The Siglo22 Foundation is a non-profit organisation that operates nationwide under the Protectorate of Foundations of the Ministry of Education with the motivation and need to improve the education system and the deficiencies in gender equality.
Fundación Siglo22 is a non-profit organisation. The goals that define the work of our Foundation are:
- Develop programs and projects that facilitate the integration of information technology and communication in education and in business.
- Develop programs and projects to promote equal opportunities between women and men.
- Develop programs and projects related to learning.
- Promote innovation in education and training.
- Improve the conditions of daily life for people with problems: unemployment, gender differences.... In all the cases having ICT as catalyst to reach all those objectives.
Our mission is to provide relevant experiences in education and society, contributing to constant improvement through innovation projects to promote learning and change.
Our vision is moving towards the creation of a continuous personal growth substrate supported on the constant search for innovation and cooperation, promoting equal opportunities for all people.

Fundación Siglo22 has been working on the creation of a teacher portal, edu22, which addresses all teacher competences. We have created an educational repository for VET in the Vetiver project, available in 5 languages. We are involved in e-learning masters at the University, and also, we have been working with teachers, training them to integrate ICT and active methodologies in their work. The Foundation has been working to promote digital skills at all levels, young people, education (mainly teachers) and training, and also adults. Alongside this, active methodologies have been promoted, to be used with students, along with multiple intelligences. The Siglo22 Foundation is using all the projects to be able to create a breaking point with teachers and involve them in the educational paradigm shift that the foundation is promoting. Experts in eLearning, educational platforms and online education and training. It integrates different tools to provide an active experience in the training process, as well as providing the technological platforms to carry out the training. Siglo22 is also working with women in networking groups to promote their professional visibility and with young people to promote equal opportunities but visualising the current differences between boys and girls.